Rates and Fees



1 Client / 1 Guide US$ 480
2 Clients / 1 Guide US$ 320
Observers/ non-hunters (per person) US$ 170
Rest days US$ 170

Value Added Tax of 15% is included in daily rates.
Daily rates are charged per night spent in camp.


Species Fee
African Wild Cat US$ 350
Baboon US$ 100
Black wildebeest US$ 1450
Blesbok US$ 600
Blue wildebeest US$ 1100
Caracal US$ 650
Cheetah US$ 3100
Damara Dik-Dik US$ 2000
Duiker US$ 330
Eland (Cape) US$ 2100
Gemsbok (Oryx) US$ 780
Genet US$ 350
Giraffe US$ 2600
Comon Impala US$ 680
Jackal US$ 100
Klipspringer US$ 1500
Kudu US$ 1100
Leopard* *
Red hartebeest US$ 750
Spotted hyena US$ 1200
Springbok US$ 460
Steenbok US$ 330
Warthog US$ 520
Zebra (Burchell’s) US$ 1280
Zebra (Hartmann’s) US$ 950
Any species not in the price list can be added upon special request.

* Leopard Hunting
Leopard hunts will only be done as a package for US$ 16 000, which includes:

• All pre-baiting
• All zebra/horse or donkey baits
• 14 hunting days for one hunter
• 3 x springbok baits (to be shot by the hunter)
• A leopard tag

Additional springbok baits will be sold for US$80 each.
If the leopard is not shot or wounded, the hunter will be refunded with US$4000.